Elissa Stallkamp – Balancing Marriage with Business

Elissa Stallkamp lives in New York, her home state, with her husband and daughter. When she isn’t spending time with family or exercising, she is typically focusing on improving her career. Though Elissa Stallkamp keeps herself busy with her career by always striving to move up in position, she carefully balances her marriage with her professional pursuits. Steps like those below can help you do the same:

Elissa Stallkamp

  • Prioritize – Professional opportunities can come and go, but the same cannot be said for a positive marriage. Prioritize your marriage over your career and remember that success tends to feel empty if you don’t have loved ones to share it with.
  • Schedule – Business is often not as simple as being away from home from nine to five and with family the rest of the time. Schedule your time so that you have dedicated home hours and work hours, allowing you to balance the needs of both with greater ease. This includes scheduling time for business emails and even texting, in some cases.
  • Commit – It can be hard to commit to your set home and work hours, and to respecting your priorities, but if you wish to maintain your marriage, this is a must. If you have difficulty ignoring a work email, turn off the notifications when you’re at home so that you don’t get distracted. Movie night might not seem so special to your family if you spend a third of the film on your phone looking at work-related things.

It isn’t easy to balance marriage with business as professionals like Elissa Stallkamp do, but it is possible. Keep trying until both you and your spouse feel as though you’ve achieved a good balance.

Elissa Stallkamp – Eat Healthy with a Busy Professional Life

Elissa Stallkamp is a busy professional who lives and works in the state of New York. She manages a happy marriage, a successful career and a healthy life so that she can ensure the happiness of herself and of those around her. Though it isn’t easy, you can manage a busy professional life, a healthy diet and more, as Elissa Stallkamp does, with a bit of planning. The tips below will help you rein in your diet without cutting into work time:

Elissa Stallkamp

Prepare Your Meals Ahead of Time – Batch-cooking your meals one day per week can make health eating almost as convenient as fast food for work days. Spend a few hours cooking enough breakfast, lunch and dinner for seven days on the weekend, and then pack your meals. This can be as simple as seven pre-made salads in plastic containers that you can eat while your peers eat their fast food lunches.

Stock Up on Simple, Healthy Snacks – Apples, oranges, granola bars and other simple, healthy snacks can help you avoid the temptation to eat from the candy bowl or plate of cupcakes at work. They’re also convenient when you’re in a hurry and you might otherwise grab a candy bar instead of something beneficial for your body.

Combine Meetings with Meals – If your schedule is packed with meetings, combine at least one with your lunch break. Invite your business associate to lunch at a healthy restaurant so that you can discuss professional topics while eating a healthy meal.

It’ll take some time for your diet and work life to balance out into something like Elissa Stallkamp’s life. Give it time and dedication, and you’ll see results in time.