Elissa Stallkamp – Finding More Time in a Busy Schedule

Elissa Stallkamp, presently working with American Capital as Executive Assistant in New York, is a busy professional who manages her career, several hobbies and a life with her husband and daughter. Though her schedule is often packed, she finds time for travel, photography, skiing, a side business and more.

Elissa Stallkamp

Busy professionals like Elissa Stallkamp might seem impossible to keep up with, but you can almost always find more time in your schedule. Tips like those below will help you free up your time for family, work, hobbies and relaxation:

  • Organize – The first step to making more time in your life is to organize your home and work spaces. It sounds small, but many people waste upwards of 20 minutes per day looking for their belongings. If you dedicate fifteen minutes each day to organization, you could save yourself hours per week.
  • Make Nightly To-Do Lists – Before going to bed, make a to-do list outlining everything that you need to do the next day. Prioritize the list with the most pressing issues at the top; transfer unaccomplished items from the bottom to the next day’s list.
  • Avoid Time Sinks – Facebook, TV, texting and other addicting, time-wasting activities can cost you hours each day. If you limit your texting and eliminate things like social media and TV, you could free up several hours per week.

Busy professionals like Elissa Stallkamp learn how to manage their schedules over many years. It takes time to learn what does and doesn’t work for you. Don’t expect to be perfect at scheduling overnight – keep trying until you reach your goals.