Elissa Stallkamp – How to Succeed at Entrepreneurship

Elissa Stallkamp is a businesswoman and entrepreneur who has worked with American Capital since 2005 and holds three college degrees. She is a loving mother and wife who enjoys various hobbies such as travel and fitness in her free time. After a decade with American Capital, Elissa Stallkamp added to her responsibilities by opening a dog walking business on the side of her full-time career.

Elissa Stallkamp

Succeeding at entrepreneurship isn’t easy, regardless of a full-time career, but if you follow tips like those below, you can make your way in the business world:

  • Take Your Endeavor Seriously – If you’re not serious about success, your endeavor will likely fail. Customers can tell when a business isn’t taken seriously, and they’ll look elsewhere for products and services.
  • Pick Your Passion – Select an entrepreneurial endeavor that you’re passionate about. Passion is often the primary motivator to endure long nights, packed schedules and the inevitable failures associated with entrepreneurship. Without passion, failures often discourage professionals to the point of quitting.
  • Think Like an Accountant – Wise money management will help your business succeed and prevent it from breaking the bank. When your business succeeds, and when tax season arrives, you’ll need organized books to keep yourself out of legal trouble.
  • Work by Plans – Planning your path to success keeps you on track. Make a plan for each small step required for your business to succeed, and follow it carefully.

Even if entrepreneurship looks easy when you think of professionals like Elissa Stallkamp, it typically requires more work than a traditional job does. Expect starting your own business endeavors to be hard, but know that they will also be rewarding.

Elissa Stallkamp – Starting a Business with a Day Job

Elissa Stallkamp has worked to grow her career for decades and she has been with the same company since 2005. Though she’s happy with her professional standing, Elissa Stallkamp enjoys improving her life and she recently began looking into starting a business in addition to her day job. Managing a traditional career and an entrepreneurial endeavor isn’t easy, but the following tips can help you get started:

Elissa Stallkamp

Learn Everything You Can – Use free time to research anything related to your business so that you’re as well educated as possible. The more you know, the easier it will be to become an authority in your chosen field, increasing your chance of success. Additionally, spending time learning will keep you motivated and passionate.

Join a Community – Seek an online or local community related to the business you’re starting and become an active member. Having friends and like-minded peers to encourage you and advise you will help you succeed, especially when you hit inevitable bumps in the road.

Commit to the Dream – Think about why you’re starting your business and where you want it to go, and them commit to that dream. Having a vision and committing yourself to it wholeheartedly will make any of the struggles you face while balancing it with your day job much easier to get through.

Remember that, even if people like Elissa Stallkamp make it look easy, managing two professional endeavors at once is always a challenge. Keep working and you’ll eventually find the success that you’re looking for.


Elissa Stallkamp – Balancing Marriage with Business

Elissa Stallkamp lives in New York, her home state, with her husband and daughter. When she isn’t spending time with family or exercising, she is typically focusing on improving her career. Though Elissa Stallkamp keeps herself busy with her career by always striving to move up in position, she carefully balances her marriage with her professional pursuits. Steps like those below can help you do the same:

Elissa Stallkamp

  • Prioritize – Professional opportunities can come and go, but the same cannot be said for a positive marriage. Prioritize your marriage over your career and remember that success tends to feel empty if you don’t have loved ones to share it with.
  • Schedule – Business is often not as simple as being away from home from nine to five and with family the rest of the time. Schedule your time so that you have dedicated home hours and work hours, allowing you to balance the needs of both with greater ease. This includes scheduling time for business emails and even texting, in some cases.
  • Commit – It can be hard to commit to your set home and work hours, and to respecting your priorities, but if you wish to maintain your marriage, this is a must. If you have difficulty ignoring a work email, turn off the notifications when you’re at home so that you don’t get distracted. Movie night might not seem so special to your family if you spend a third of the film on your phone looking at work-related things.

It isn’t easy to balance marriage with business as professionals like Elissa Stallkamp do, but it is possible. Keep trying until both you and your spouse feel as though you’ve achieved a good balance.